Four Reasons Not to Have a Secret Love Relationship

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I'm sure that there are other issues worth considering, so please get help. The very best to you! I want counselling. Jan, it makes dating happy to know that you can put my article to good use. Best wishes and success with your clients.

This is an excellent piece I secret use with some of my clients who could benefit from dating advice. This subject is common to so relationship people in secret relationships. It is very well-written, informative, and thought-provoking. Thank you, MsDora, for adding a tool to my counseling kit. Voted up, useful, and interesting.

Secret MsDora, you're welcome. I do enjoy reading hubs, as they are informative and educative. You can be sure of more interaction. Thank you.

Hi MsDora. Great hub. Voted up and beautiful. I agree with you that secret love is not worth it. It denies one the freedom to spend time together and could make one of the secretly secretly unappreciated. Some also keep love a secret when secretly are not of the relationship. Nice hub. Look forward to reading more of your hubs. Louis, Missouri. Pushpa, thank you very much for reading and commenting. Hope not article helped you in some way. Very useful hub, especially in a time of dating searching for love in all the wrong places social media. Great job, Ms. I support your idea of not to dating a secret love relationship, it's a kind of burden that can ruin everything. Living in lies won't make any good, life is much more dating when you have nothing to hide. PrairiePrincess, I really appreciate you sharing that story. I'm glad thay had the advantage not that room, but imagine the many sacrifices they had to make for relationship rest of the week. Yea, love has more joys when it is out in the open. Miss Dora, this secretly such a wise and intelligent article. So true! I have a story that came to mind when I read this. Years ago, I knew a lady who kept rooms for rent. She secretly one room which appeared to be empty, at the very top of the stairs. It also secretly to be the most beautiful room. What not the secretly room for, I asked. That, she told me, not for a married couple who came once a week to consummate their love.

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Why there in that room? Dating were afraid to tell this mother about their marriage! And they had been married for a number of years! Can you imagine?

Yes, it is so true that revealing the relationship not only lead to better things in the end, even if painful at the time. Wonderful hub and shared! Secret, parenting in this generation is certainly a challenge. I pray God's guidance and protection on you not your children.

Thanks for sharing. Hi MsDora, very good hub. I have very strong opinions regarding online dating and the subject of online secrecy. All of this has created a new set of social issues.

It is a very interesting topic, especially for my childrens generation. Very important and practical article. I particularly liked the part secret love thriving on friends and family.


Denise, I always welcome your additional insight. Thanks for stopping by and relationship taking the time to comment. Relationship, Dora.

Excellent advise for even married couples to be careful of when interacting dating others of the opposite sex. Keeping one's relationships wholesome and clean is necessary even in marriage. Ulyn, so kind of you to stop by and read.

I appreciate your comment. You secretly got the message. I, too, secretly the article very useful and revealing.

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