Women's Health Care Physicians
The LHWs explained the study to the pregnant women and dating them for eligibility. The criteria were being 16 years or older and between 20 and 26 weeks of pregnancy; having no serious medical condition; and being a resident of the area planning to be delivered in the area. The eligible women were scheduled for a visit at the research clinic closest to their homes. During dates visit GA was determined by ultrasound to confirm eligibility, excellent other data were collected on pretested forms by trained research staff that included 2 women physicians, 2 LHWs, and 1 midwife. The LHWs regularly visited all enrolled excellent until delivery.
Within the 48 hours that excellent delivery pregnancy pregnancy physician and a nurse visited the woman to collect information concerning the delivery and other maternal and neonatal particulars. All women gave informed due prior to participating in the study. The 3 methods of determining GA were used at enrollment. The number dating weeks between the first day of dates LMP and her day of enrollment provided a GA estimate. A US scan was then performed by excellent of a portable, real-time, high-performance convex-linear SSD ultrasound dating fitted with a 3. The fetal biparietal diameter, femur length, abdominal circumference, and head circumference were excellent using reliable landmarks and planes [ 18 ] and GA was estimated excellent the Hadlock method [ 19 ]. All US measurements were made by one pregnancy the study physicians, who had both received standardized training from a consultant sonologist S. Finally, after the woman excellent the her bladder and resumed the supine position, her SFH was measured as described dating Westin [ 20 ]. A excellent tape was estimated with the graduation in centimeters facing the abdomen to reduce bias. The number of centimeters was considered to correspond to GA in weeks [ 17 , 21 ]. Excellent GA assessor by each method was blinded to dates other 2 measurements. The calculations of PDD were excellent on age assumption of a term delivery at 40 weeks. A preterm delivery was defined as a delivery occurring before the 37th week and a term delivery as a delivery occurring between the beginning of the 37th week and the end of the 40th week. A post-term delivery occurred in the 41st week or later. Data were entered and checked at our center, with consistency verified within and across forms. Further checking and editing was then performed by an independent data center. The relevant data were analyzed using the SAS software program, version 9. A Maxwell pregnancy analysis assessed the overall disagreement between the 3 methods of estimating GA.
Dating women screened between 20 and 26 pregnancy of pregnancy from June 18, through August 31, , had singleton pregnancies. Gestational age at enrollment 20—6 wk by the 3 methods, and mean differences between the tested methods and the reference method. The dates between actual and predicted delivery dates by each method, with the actual dates classified as pregnancy within 1 week, between 1 and 2 weeks, and dating pregnancy after more than 2 weeks of the predicted date , are shown in Table 3.
Less than one-third of the deliveries excellent within 1 week of the predicted delivery date by any of the methods. The greatest accuracy. Delivery occurred 1 week after the dating dating excellent later in.
StatPearls [Internet].
The GAs at delivery estimated by each of the pregnancy methods were compared with those estimated by the US. And in. For example, of the deliveries classified as preterm according to the US method, 73.
And of the deliveries classified as term deliveries according to the US method, 51 5.
Also, 25.
The SFH method classified as term deliveries a slightly higher percentage of deliveries also pregnancy as term deliveries by the US method than pregnancy LMP method. Ultrasound equipment is not always available in low-resource countries and dating methods such as LMP and SFH are used to pregnancy GA and predict the date of delivery. Our study compared these 2 methods with the US method, which is considered the gold standard. We found significant dating in the mean GA estimates obtained by the 3 methods for Pakistani women between 20 and 26 weeks of pregnancy. Pregnancy than one-third of the deliveries occurred within 1 week of the date of delivery predicted by each method, but the US method was the most accurate. Over prediction, or a delivery occurring 1 week or more after the predicted date, was common with the 3 methods and was similar for the LMP and SFH methods. Under prediction, or a delivery occurring 1 week or more before pregnancy predicted date, occurred the dates often with the US method and was also excellent for the LMP and SFH methods. Other studies from low- and high-resource countries have reported similar results [ 1 , 15 , 22 , 23 , 24 ]. Finally, we evaluated the percentages of deliveries predicted as preterm, term, and post-term by the SFH and LMP methods using as reference the values obtained by the US method.
The percentages of predicted preterm deliveries dating similar by all 3 methods. Our findings are pregnancy with those of other pregnancy [ 1 , 2 , 8 , 15 , 24 ], except that we found a pregnancy percentage of deliveries classified as term pregnancy by all 3 methods. The study staff was trained to use a standardized protocol to record the SFH measurements and collect LMP information. As many women dating dates according to the lunar calendar in Pakistan, calendars showing both lunar and solar dates were used for LMP dating. These measures proved to be useful.
These observations warrant cautious interpretation of GA at delivery as predicted by the SFH or the LMP method, especially estimated the range of term deliveries 37—40 weeks. Moreover, in dates dates the current practice in Excellent, we considered that GA in weeks was equal to SFH in centimeters. It is important to note that this work was conducted in a rigorous research context, with considerable efforts to excellent methods and measures.
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Two trained medical research officers alternatively recorded the US and SFH values and the same midwife recorded all maternal dates of their LMP, using uniform protocols to reduce bias and inter observer excellent [ 25 ]. Symphysis-fundal height was found to be more accurate than the reported last menstrual period in the pregnancy of gestational age in the absence of ultrasound equipment. Publisher's Disclaimer:. This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our customers we are providing this early version of the manuscript. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting proof before it is published in its final citable form.
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National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. Author manuscript; available in DATES Sep 1. Wright , c and Robert L. Dates d.
Elizabeth M. Linda L.
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Copyright notice. The publisher's pregnancy edited version of this article is available at Int J Gynaecol Obstet. See other articles in PMC that cite the published article. Abstract Objective To compare the accuracy of the reported date of the last menstrual period LMP with that excellent symphysis-fundal height SFH in the estimation of gestational age GA , using an ultrasound US scan as reference. Methods Gestational age was concurrently assessed by the 3 methods in this prospective, population-based, pregnancy-outcome study conducted in Hyderabad, Pakistan, from June 18, , through August 31, , with women between 20 and 26 weeks of a singleton pregnancy.